Now, let me give you some background:, I was not a cheerleader in high school and I'm not known as a loud, talkative woman. But I will state my opinion boldly, tactfully and with all due respect to those around me.
I pondered this dream and asked God what it meant. During those few moments, some friends came to mind that are going through some trials. And it was as if God spoke to me and said, "Go tell them how much I(God) love them." My heart was so moved because of the "megaphone" dream and what God had revealed to me.
In Ephesians 3:18, the scriptures reveal to us the vastness of God's love. "And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is." Then, why do we have difficulty loving unconditionally and have unforgiveness in our hearts? We are commanded to love one another as God loves us. Jesus told sinners to go and sin no more. He loved them unconditionally. So why can't we love this way? I have asked God to search my heart and reveal to me if there is anything in it that would keep me from loving unconditionally.
I’m sure that my next visit to a craft store will draw me straight to the charm aisle. I plan to look for a unique "megaphone." It will dangle from a custom made bracelet and remind me of my dream and what God revealed to me. I encourage you to go to a friend who is suffering or going through a trial and ask, "Do you know how much God loves you?". You may even need to go out and buy a "megaphone" charm as a reminder of sharing God's love.
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Ann enjoys spending time with her children and grandchildren. (This picture of her granddaughter reminds Ann of the width of God's love). Ann enjoys hosting ministry retreats at her cabin, Cabin Cove, and she enjoys writing for her blog, Conversation Cove.
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