Sunday, November 11, 2012

Coffee Snobs by Christy Fitzwater

When Matt and I celebrated our 20th anniversary a few months ago, we decided to add some excitement to our marriage by doing something new. We determined to become coffee snobs. 

Armed with a four-cup, $2 garage sale coffee pot and a budget-appropriate can of Folgers, we began enjoying what my grandma would refer to as a “morning cuppa.” 

Soon after our snobbery began, we were gifted with a bag of straight-from-Hawaii Kona blend. Caramel coconut. If I believed in the ancient Egyptian practice of burying a body with possessions to enjoy in the afterlife, I would request my next of kin to please sprinkle that Kona blend around my body in my coffin.

Recently we were given a Coulter Coffee breakfast blend, and I believe a flannel quilt and crackling fire were condensed in that cup of warmth. Goodness in a cup.

When my friend was praying out loud at church last night, she referred to Job 23:12. Job said, “I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.” Then she added, “Lord, help us to love your words more than our daily food –even more than our morning coffee.”

I’m curious –did anyone hear me audibly gasp, or did I just do that internally? Do I love God’s words more than my morning cuppa? 

I picture myself slowly wrapping my fingers around the hot mug, sniffing deeply, talking to the coffee, “Please coffee. Do something amazing and help me be awake and functioning.” 

I want to approach the Bible in the same way, holding it in my hands and praying, “Please Lord, do something amazing through your word to help me live today.” 

Christy Fitzwater: “I am a nerdy book reader with an English degree and secondary teaching certificate. My cozy home is in Kalispell, Montana, where I enjoy serving the living God with my pastor husband and two teenagers.”
Read Christy's thoughts on her blog Off the Shelf.

Photo at top:  Ambro /


  1. Christy, I absolutely love this fun and yet profound. Thanks for writing for WOW.

  2. Excellent perspective! Don't you love how God shows Himself through the ordinariness of the day?
    Keep the Faith!


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