Sunday, August 19, 2012

Positioned With Benefits by Martin Wiles

“You’re okay with the job knowing it doesn’t have any benefits,” he said. And since I had no job-or a prospect of one, I said, “Yes” even though I really wasn’t. 

Millions work without the luxury of benefits. They slave for minimum wage in the United States-or half that in third world countries, and get nothing extra. No medical insurance, dental insurance or matching retirement, and sometimes not even a thank you. 

Benefits make jobs more attractive and make paychecks go farther. 

Paul wanted believers to be aware of their spiritual benefits. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives (Colossians 1:9). 

Regardless of whether I have a job with benefits, I have them in Christ, and that’s all that eternally matters. 

Believers have an inheritance now and in the future. We’re joint heirs with Christ, and we own all he does-and that’s everything. We don’t possess it all now, but one day the new earth and heaven will be at ours to enjoy. 

Believers have been rescued from Satan’s kingdom and placed in God’s. Faith in Christ makes us God’s child with all the benefits. We’re safe in his arms and nothing can take us from him or steal what he’s given us.

Believers sins are forgiven-not some sins, but all. Jesus paid for our sins on Calvary and when his gift is accepted by faith it becomes ours. Our past is erased, our present is enjoyable and our future is exciting. We are no longer-nor ever will be, under condemnation. Christ’s blood cancels our sins.

Even if your job doesn’t deliver benefits, your position in Christ can.

Thank You, merciful Lord Jesus, for the benefits we have through faith in You.

To read about Martin and his latest devotional book, check out the LEAD WRITERS PAGE.

1 comment:

  1. This gave me a lift as someone looking for a new job at present and the new position that I am called to. In the UK benefit are less common than over there in the US but still show up from time to time. Being positioned with benefits - of a spiritual nature - now that's what we're talking about and what I'm waiting on the Lord for.


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